contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art Video art

Milky Way at preview night of inaugural exhibition ‘Satellite,’ Zhulong Gallery

Milky Way is a single-channel video produced by Lily & Honglei Art Studio from 2009 to 2010, now on view at Zhulong Gallery, Dallas. Following is a description of the work:

Milky Way

Artists: Honglei Li, Xiying Yang, He Li
Medium: Oil on Paper, video
Film Duration: 4’20”
Completion Year: 2009-2010

Lily & Honglei Art Studio, contemporary artist, new media art in China, Chinese new media art,He Li,
Still image of ‘Milky Way,’ by Lily & Honglei Art Studio. On view at Zhulong Gallery, Dallas
Lily & Honglei Art Studio, new media art in China, He Li, new media art, art in america magazine
Still image of Milky Way, by Lily & Honglei Art Studio.
Lily & Honglei art studio, zhulong gallery, art in america, He Li, Chinese new media artist
Still image of Milky Way, by Lily & Honglei Art Studio.

An ancient folklore has become reality in present-day China.

The tale of the Weaving Maiden and the Buffalo Herder is known to practically every segment of the Chinese population. The narrative, which roots could be traced back thousands of years, revolves around a romance between the two namesake characters. The Weaving Maiden, a deity of the traditional Chinese pantheon, comes down to Earth and falls in love with the poor mortal Buffalo Herder. They marry in secret, transgressing against the boundary set between the human and the divine. When this serious offence is discovered by the Maiden’s mother, the chief goddess of Chinese folk religion, tragedy becomes inevitable. The mother calls her daughter back to the celestial realms, intending to undo the forbidden relationship. The Buffalo Herder, though, does not relinquish his love with such ease; he tries to reunite his family by sneaking into heaven with his two children. The plan is nonetheless foiled when the mother goddess draws a line in the sky, dividing the husband and the wife. The line becomes a river as deep waters gushes in and pushes through the heavenly nether.

Their love, though, finds a glimpse of respite when the mother decrees that they may reunite for one night each year. Only on the seventh night of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar were the mythical lovers allowed to seek each other’s company. Such a tragedy is crystallized in the saga of Chinese astrology: the constellation Altair represents the Buffalo Herder while Vega is likened to the weaving maiden. The Milky Way is the celestial river which separates them.

As fancifully heartbreaking as the story is, it is undoubtedly more tragic that the tale has become reality for rural families in contemporary China. The traditional lifestyle of the agrarian population has been destroyed by the economic development that has been taking place over the past few decades. In order to fulfill their basic needs of living, hundreds of millions of rural people have poured into cities as migrant workers. True to the folklore, families have been separated and have no means of reuniting except for a day or two each year during the traditional Spring Festival. Such separation has not only brought dread to families, but also the collapse of cultural morality that roots in the relationship between land and people.

The animated film Milky Way reimagines the story of the Weaving Maiden and Buffalo Herder to reflect the social reality of present-day China. Settings include the urban landscape of Shanghai, the fireworks ceremony at the Beijing Olympics Stadium, and the ruinous aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake that was concurrent with the 2008 Olympic Games.

The short film Milky Way is composed of a series of original oil-paintings created by Lily & Honglei from 2009 to 2010.

©2008-2014 LILY & HONGLEI ART STUDIO. All Rights Reserved.


[Photograph below courtesy of Zhulong Gallery]

Lily & Honglei, new media art, Chinese new new media artist, video artist, new york new media artist, contemporary Chinese artist Lily & Honglei
Milky Way, video by Lily & Honglei. Zhulong Gallery. 2014
Lily & Honglei, zhulong gallery dallas, new media art, Chinese new media artist, video artist new york,
Lily & Honglei’s video piece Milky Way at Satellite new media art exhibition, Zhulong Gallery. 2014
Lily & Honglei,new media art, Chinese new media artist, new media artist new york, video artist, contemporary chinese artist Lily & Honglei
Lily & Honglei’s video piece Milky Way, Zhulong gallery. 2014
lily & honglei,new media art, video artist new york, new media art in China, Chinese contemporary artist
Painting of Milky Way, at Satellite new media art exhibition, Zhulong Gallery. 2014
Lily & Honglei, new media  art from China, Zhulong Gallery, Video artist Lily & Honglei, new york new media artist
Milky Way, oil on paper, Zhulong Gallery
new media art, Zhulong Gallery Dallas, Lily & Honglei, Chinese new media artist Lily & Honglei, Chinese contemporary artist, new media art, video artist from new york
Preview Reception of ‘Satellite’ inaugural exhibition presenting new media art. Zhulong Gallery, 2014.
Lily & Honglei, Zhulong Gallery Dallas, new media art new york, contemporary Chinese artist, new media art
State-of-the-art facilities, Zhulong new media art gallery. 2014
Lily & Honglei, new media art, Chinese contemporary artist Lily & Honglei, video art, New York artist
Preview night: new media art exhibition ‘Satellite’ at Zhulong Gallery.

Curator: Aja Martin

Curatorial Statement

Satellite, the inaugural exhibition at Zhulong Gallery, features New Media works by 11 contemporary artists. Satellite frames the primary focus of our technologically-driven gallery as a hub for receiving and transmitting art and ideas. Projecting information through time and space, the selections presented in Satellite indicate future solo exhibitions at Zhulong Gallery. The works and the exhibition interpret and respond to data, culture, travel and time. Some works present subject matter relating to the exploration of outer space, and others hint at the satellite and its functions in an abstract, yet tangible manner. Of course, many of the works help raise the inevitable question, “Whose technology is it?”

Artists Include:

Lily & Honglei, Art in America, Zhulong Gallery, new media art in China, Chinese new media artist
Satellite exhibition at Zhulong Gallery, Art in America, April issue 2014

For more info, visit

Also view the Preview Reception here

artist collaboration contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art net-art New Media Art Second Life Art Video art

Artist Talk at UMass Lowell

On Mar. 22nd, we gave a lecture about our new media artworks at Auditorium of O’Leary Library, UMass Lowell. This was part of Upgrade! Boston organized by We wanted to send our gratitudes to Jo-Anne Green and Helen Thorington for always generously supporting new media artists! Also many thanks to Jehanne-Marie Gavarini and Department of Art, UMass Lowell for sponsoring this event. More information, please read here.

Lily & Honglei: artist talk at Auditorium at O'Leary Library, UMass Lowell



Conceptual contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Internet Art & New Media of China Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art net-art New Media Art Second Life Art Video art

New Publication – ‘Fine Art Film: Social Reflection in Multimedia Art’

Out new book ‘Fine Arts Film – Social Reflection in Multimedia Art’ is now available on – both paper back and Kindle edition:

Fine Art Film by Lily & Honglei

Honglei and Lily (Honglei Li, Xiying Yang) are two contemporary artists of our generation who represent the future direction of multimedia and mixed-realities arts for our time. Their first-hand experiences in Beijing for the greater part of their youthful years and later in New York City are inestimable, and bring a new vision to any society and institution which they engage. Lily & Honglei draw their generation¿s unique artistic expression informed by powerful eyewitness experiences resulting from ‘Tiananmen Incident’ to ‘September 11,’ a generation whose psyches are indelibly trapped in a struggle to make sense of a fractured world and a future, which will guarantee independent thinking. Lily & Honglei attempt to carve their personal path and journey for freedom of artistic and intellectual expressions. Their work asserts aspects of western fantasies that are revealed as ¿vacuous¿ when tested and that there is greater need than ever before for truthful understandings from both East and West as they enter into a newly profound global relationship.

– Bryan McFarlane

Printed Version:

Kindle Version: