contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Internet Art & New Media of China Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art new york artist Second Life Art Video art

‘Land of Illusions’ to be published in ‘InTensions,’ York Universty

Invited by Dr. Alberto Guevara, the editor-in-chief of inTension journal of York University, virtual reality project Land of Illusion by Lily & Honglei Art Studio (currently with three active members, Xiying Yang, Honglei Li and He Li) will be published in the next issue of this academic journal.

Lily & Honglei, new media art, Chinese contemporary artist, new media artist from China, new york artist Lily & Honglei
screenshot of ‘Land of Illusion: Monkey King at Heavenly Banquet’ virtual reality art project, by Lily & Honglei Art Studio
Lily & Honglei Art Studio, new media artist from China, He Li, contemporary Chinese art, Chinese new media artist, new york new media artist, new york artist, Lily & Honglei
screenshot of ‘Land of Illusion: Carousel of Sichuan Earthquake,’ virtual reality art project by Lily & Honglei Art Studio

Issues of the journal are theme-based, but space is provided in each issue for articles, reviews, and artwork that engage the core interests of InTensions: the theatricality of power, corporealities of structural violence, and sensory regimes.

InTensions is now accepting proposals for guest edited issues. Please contact Alberto Guevara or Elysée Nouvet.

Issue 7 ‘Fun and Games – Playing to the Limit’

Guest Editors:
Dr. David Harris Smith, McMaster University
Dr. Elysée Nouvet, McMaster University

To play is human. Play is a social act of often unclear boundaries. The delineation of playing as a special conditional form of doing or acting in the world relies upon registers of seriousness, authenticity, consequence and import, yet these registers are ultimately ambiguous. Play can materialize and relativize banal affective and social relations. Play can imagine, insist on the possibility of, or suppress, difference. Play may provoke shock or distraction, conceal or reveal intention. Play may be encouraged or denied, rewarded or punished, feared, disdained, addictive, fatal.

What becomes possible as a result of play in specific contexts? What socio-cultural relations are inscribed in the various sites of play? Are there limits to the social power of play, or limits to the social contexts in which playful acts may be asserted? Or is the very delineation of some actions as play itself a limit on imagination and transformation? To what extent do the connotative associations of theatre, sport, or childhood constitute a limit on what is considered play? What is the role of play in science, industry, politics, or war? What associations are can be traced between play and inductive, exploratory, or experimental knowledge generation?

Developmental theories situate play in the process of accommodating to reality, whereby the child first assimilates difficult and incongruous aspects of reality by revisiting them with familiar schema. For Baudrillard, the reproduction of the ‘real’ risks eclipsing its truth-value. These positions inscribe a vast territory populated by varying admixtures of representation and awe. Is play necessarily reactionary if it is absorbed into the normative and normalizing practices of (re)production and consumption (Debord)? When are play and playfulness critical distractions to organized protest? Alternatively, how might simulation and virtual worlds unleash important re-imaginings and re-mappings of the social (Deleuze)?  What are the unique potentialities of play when engaged as formative, preliminary, inconsequential, non-serious, speculative, or exploratory?

In this issue, we invite scholarly/artistic contributions that engage the relations between play, power, and social reproduction. We welcome theoretical explorations, as well as reflections, experiments, reports, or ethnographies on play and playfulness in its lived, historical, and cultural contexts.

View past issues of InTensions:

contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art Video art

Satellite: new media art exhibition at Zhulong Gallery, Dallas

For immediate release:

Zhulong Gallery Premieres with Satellite

(Dallas, TX—March 11)  Zhulong Gallery launches in Dallas on April 3. Designed to showcase New Media art, its multi-level galleries reclaimed from industrial space provide a high-tech platform for contemporary art.  The gallery’s façade is a 17 x 10-foot screen for projecting images, text and video. Downstairs, the gallery space presents a museum-like setting that creates a sense of discovery for guests.  Upstairs, a poetic gallery deck provides views of Downtown Dallas and the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge.

Aja Martin, director of Zhulong Gallery, said, “In Satellite, we just begin to explore the wide-ranging field of New Media art.” She added, “Satellite is a sampling of artists who will be featured in future exhibitions.”

Zhulong Gallery, 1302 Dragon Street, Dallas, TX 75207
Premiere Exhibit:  Satellite
Preview, April 3, 2014, 6 – 9 pm, To RSVP,
Exhibit continues April 4 – May 10, 2014. Beginning April 5, Zhulong Gallery will be open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm or by appointment.

Satellite features New Media works by 11 contemporary artists and frames Zhulong Gallery as a hub for receiving and transmitting art and ideas. The artists interpret data, culture, travel, and time.  Some of the works contain subject matter relating to space exploration and others hint at the satellite and its functions in an abstract, yet tangible manner.

Artists in Satellite present works that explore the expanding parameters of New Media:

• Hiba Ali (b. Karachi, Pakistan, currently Chicago, IL) creates virtual environments and documents that explore power formations and alternatives to current Western infrastructures.

• Erika Blumenfeld (USA) – With special devices, Blumenfeld records light and presents it as phenomenon in the form of installations, sound and video art, and artist books.

• Lily & Honglei (New York and Beijing) – This two-person collective meld the virtual and ‘real’, offering augmented realities (AR), video works, and virtual films communicating ideas about Chinese history and culture and its relationship to the globalized present. They are also members of the collective Manefest.AR, which uses mobile technology as strategy for visual art.

• James Geurts’ (London, UK and Melbourne, Australia) ‘Expanded Drawings’ take an abundance of forms: public installations and sculptures, graphite drawings, projections and video works. All iterations convey the artist’s observations of specific geologic phenomena.

• Susan Giles (Chicago, IL) presents architectural sculptures that relay the fragility and folly of memory. Working with spectacular and banal architectural forms and features, the artist creates large and small-scale sculptural works and video deal with transmission of experience into language—audible and gestural.

• Ira Greenberg (Dallas, TX) works in the computation medium and most recently explores new life forms through programming. His ‘protobytes’ respond to their environments living and dying among us in real-ti

• Paul Hertz (Chicago, IL) will present works from his latest series of glitch art, a program that visualizes the collapse of time and memory.

• Chris Lattanzio (Dallas, TX) creates glowing relief sculptures and environments that play on Pop Art and render the banal and the spiritual with equal affect. Highly saturated or cool and atmospheric, the works alter both space and psyche.

• Anh-Thuy Nguyen (b. Vietnam, currently Claremore, OK) is a performance and video artist who explores our significant cultural relationships with food in an attempt to present distinct but universal ideas.

• Max Schich (Dallas, TX) culls massive data and interprets it into delicate visual representations. These info-pictures communicate trends, connections and disparities that might go unnoticed without this specific visual context.

• Lauren Woods (Dallas, TX) is a conceptual artist working in hybrid media. Her ‘inkblot projections’ and other video, film and sound works set up alternative means and roles for viewing, the viewer and subject.

Zhulong Gallery:  the new light on Dragon Street.  More information is available at

For more information regarding Satellite, please contact

Art in America, Zhulong Gallery, Lily & Honglei, Lily & Honglei Art Studio, Chinese new media artist, Chinese contemporary artist, He Li
Zhulong Gallery inaugurating exhibition ‘Satellite’ in April issue, Art in America magazine, 2014

Lily & Honglei’s work on view: video and painting of Milky Way

video art Lily & Honglei, new media art, new media artist Lily & Honglei, new media art China
Still image of animated film ‘Milky Way,’ by Lily & Honglei Art Studio
contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art Video art

“Moon,” video inspired by Chinese painting and poetry

Title: Moon

Artists: Lily & Honglei Art Studio (Xiying Yang, Honglei Li, He Li)

Year of production: 2015

Duration: 8’00”

Medium: Chinese ink painting on rice paper, video

A video excerpt is viewable at

Moon (synopsis)

In the video Moon, the lunar phases are looked upon through a poetic lens. In Far Eastern culture, such phases symbolize the elusiveness of fate as well as both the separation and reunion of loved ones. By setting original ink painting works in motion, Moon presents a natural phenomenon in a manner that unveils an introspective human world – an approach is profoundly inspired by traditional Chinese poetry and art. A reflection upon humanity, conflict, loss, and hope is drawn through space and time as a dreamscape of inner emotions merged with the natural world. The film is comprised of a series of Chinese ink paintings on rice paper and could be projected on a variety of different surfaces such as a solid wall or a still pond of water. Both indoors and outdoors environments are fit within the scale of this project. (2016 © Lily & Honglei Art Studio. All rights reserved. )

new media art, video art by Lily & Honglei, He Li, new media art in China, Chinese contemporary artist
Moon still 1, Chinese ink painting on rice paper, 24x36in. by Lily & Honglei. 2012


A Flowery Moonlit Night on a Spring River (by Zhang Ruoxu, Tang Dynasty in China)

(Translation source:

‘In spring the river rises as high as the sea,
And with the river’s rise the moon up-rises bright.
She follows the rolling waves for ten thousand li,
And where the river flows, there overflows her light.

‘The river winds around the fragrant islet where
The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.
You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air,
Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.

‘No dust has stained the water blending with the skies;
A lonely wheel-like moon shines brilliant far and wide.
Who by the riverside first saw the moon arise?
When did the moon first see a man by riverside?

new media art, video art, ink painting by Lily & Honglei, Lily & Honglei Art Studio, He Li, new media art in China, Chinese new media artist, Lily & Honglei Art Studio, contemporary art, He Li
Moon still 2, Chinese ink painting on rice paper, 24x36in, by Lily & Honglei, 2012.

‘Ah, generations have come and past away;
From year to year the moon looks alike, old and new.
We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray,
But hear the river say to its water adieu

‘Away, away is sailing a single cloud white;
On Farewell Beach pine away maples green.
Where is the wanderer sailing his boat tonight?
Who, pining away, on the moonlit rails would learn?

‘Alas! The moon is lingering over the tower;
It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.
She rolls the curtain up and light comes in her bower;
She washes but can’t wash away the moonbeams there.

Lily & Honglei Art Studio, Chinese new media artist, new media artist New York, He Li, contemporary Chinese art
Still of “Moon,” Chinese ink painting on rice paper, video. Lily & Honglei Art Studio. 2012-13

He Li, contemporary art, Chinese new media artist, video art, Lily & Honglei art studio

‘She sees the moon, but her beloved is out of sight;
She’d follow it to shine on her beloved one’s face.
But message-bearing swans can’t fly out of moonlight,
Nor can letter-sending fish leap out of their place.

Last night he dreamed that falling flowers would not stay.
Alas! He can’t go home, although half spring has gone.
The running water bearing spring will pass away;
The moon declining over the pool will sink anon

The moon declining sinks into a heavy mist;
It’s a long way between southern rivers and eastern seas.
How many can go home by moonlight who are missed?
The sinking moon sheds yearning o’er riverside trees.’

Lily & Honglei Art Studio, new media art in China, contemporart Chinese artist, new media artist, He Li, video art

Lily & Honglei, Chinese contemporary artist, new media art in China, He Li, new media art new york, video art
Still of “Moon,” Chinese ink painting on rice paper, video. Lily & Honglei Art Studio. 2012-13




Since the years spent separately in Germany and China in the ’90s, we have been pondering on producing a contemporary piece based on Chinese poetry and ink painting traditions. Although many compositions were sketched around this idea, the complete piece had not been fully planned out until a discussion occurred in 2012 with curator Heng-Gil Han, who was then proposing a series of international exhibitions focusing on unification of Korea with his ambitious curatorial concept.  Fitting the exhibition theme, video piece ‘Moon,’ inspired by Chinese shanshu (mountain-and-river) paintings and poems such as A Flowery Moonlit Night on a Spring River by Zhang Ruoxu, and Shui diao ge touMoon by Su Dongpo, was finally materialized.

Oakland Gardens & Alley Pond in New York, where we stroll on  hilly forest paths discussing ‘Moon’-

Lily & Honglei Art Studio, He Li, video art
our daily walking route by Oakland Lake, where we discuss new work…



Lily & Honglei Art Studio
Alley Pond, outside the art studio in New York


Moon is commissioned by Korean Art Forum and will be presented at Common Ground exhibition in UK in 2014, curated by Heng-Gil Han.

contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art Video art

Dragon featured by CologneOFF 2013 India II

Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards is announcing:

CologneOFF 2013 India II
@ CeC – Carnival of eCreativity
Sattal/India – 22-24 February 2013

Lily & Honglei, video art, new media art, He Li, Chinese new media artists

featuring the curated festival programs of

CologneOFF VIII – Continental Drift I & II
1#minuteCologne – Cologne One Minute Film Festival
animateCOLOGNE – Cologne Art & Animation Festival
exDox – Experimental Documentary Film Festival
VideoChannel – curatorial platform for art & moving images

including your video listed below

He Li, video art, new media art from China, Chinese new media artist, Lily & Honglei Art Studio, new york artist
Still of video ‘Dragon,’ by Lily & Honglei Art Studio

Kok & Deiman (Netherlands) – The Highlights, 2012, 2:20
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – The Art Awards, 2012, 15:34
Nina Kurtela (Croatia) – TRANSFORMANCE, 2010, 8’15
Michael Lasater (USA) – And Then, 2011, 9:13
Lily & Honglei Art Studio (China) – Dragon, 2012, 4:20
Gina Marie Napolitan (USA) – A Catechism of Familiar Things”, 2012, 8:00
Barbara Marcel (Brazil) – A Tooth is a Tooth is a Tooth, 2011, 5:48
Ygor Marotta (Brazil) – Homeless, 2011, 2:53
QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden) – 9 States of Ambivalence, 2012, 1:30 min
Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan) – Ferry Paradise, 2012, 3:48
Robby Rackleff (USA) – Mistakes: Restaurant, 2011, 05:12
Marlena Rask (Denmark) – The Signal, 2011, 07:13
Pablo Renee Rosero Marino (Ecuador) – Nebula Hmlovina, 2011, 6:05
Simon Ruschmeyer (Germany) – Alter Ego, 2012, 04:10
Brett Underhill (USA) – Threadbare, 2012, 4:40
Loes van Dorp (Netherlands) – Framed Memory, 2012, 5:36
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Mela, 2006, 1:54
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – At the Museum, 2012, 3:00
SuZi Zimmermann (Germany) – Once Upon a Time,2011, 2:30


Augmented-reality-art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art

Gradually Melt The Sky, Devotion Gallery NY

Gradually melt the sky – exhibition poster

More information here.

contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art

China – Living in between Real and Unreal: By Xiaoying (Juliette) YUAN

China – Living in between Real and Unreal

By Xiaoying (Juliette) YUAN

Presentation for “Making the Reality Really Real”, the 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference, Oct. 28 – Nov. 04, 2010, Trondheim, Norway


Seeking for Land of Illusion

Contemporaries of Cao Fei, Beijing media artists Lily & Honglei resurrected the culture and history of their motherland in Second Life’s virtual space, while re-constituting it in a contemporary context so as to comment on the social problems in contemporary China. Behind their interest in blurring between real and unreal, is their search of identity and culture. In Lily & Honglei’s “Land of Illusion – Reconstituting History and Culture in Online Virtual World” [Fig 3] diverse social issues in contemporary China are discussed through symbolized objects and characters: the “great fire wall” symbolizing the cultural barrier, the “underwater city” a virtual recreation of a real historical site near the Three Georges Dam, where the female character roaming around the “underwater city” is the ghost of Xishi, a famous beauty in folk tales.

Fig 3, Lily & Honglei, Paradise of the Assassins, Land of Illusion, screen shot by author

The artists are not only appealing for the conservation of Chinese cultural heritage as the soul of the country but are also concerned about more universal themes such as religion and freedom. In episode IV “Celebration!” [Fig 4], a work in memory of the student victims the Sichuan earthquake in 2008,  the year of the Olympic Games, a virtual Merry-go-around is built inside a Water Cube where the Games were held three months after the historic disaster. The entire episode is an ironic allusion of China’s official media blackout on the student death toll investigation during the period of the grandiose Olympic Games.

Fig 4, Lily & Honglei, Celebration!, Land of Illusion, screen shot by author

Continue reading here.
contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art New Media Art Video art

“Land of Illusion” Demo at EVA2010, London

Land of Illusion project will be presented at EVA2010, London in July 2010. The keynote speakers at EVA 2010 include, Seb Chan, Peter Cochrane, David Giaretta, Oliver Grau, and Alan Read.

Land of Illusion will be demonstrated on July 7th, 2010. Followings are our presentation contents and project outline:

Lily & Honglei at EVA 2010
'Land of Illusion' presentation flyer 1 @ EVA 2010

"Land of Illusion" Flyer 2 at EVA2010_Lily & Honglei
"Land of Illusion" Flyer 2 at EVA2010

Land of Illusion is a virtual world art project accomplished through cross-continental artists’ collaborations in cyberspace. It is intended to make social and cultural commentaries particularly through reinterpreting Chinese folkloric traditions. The work reflects on globalization’s impact on both the environment and the individual, and unveils layered personal and cultural identity markers. Focusing on the spiritually homeless struggling to preserve traditional values, it explores foreignness and displacement. Furthermore, Land of Illusion proposes solutions for preserving and  re-evaluating cultural heritage with digital art.

– Lily & Honglei

The project video documentation now is available for viewing on DVD:

DVD presented at EVA2010

About EVA London –

  • has a focus on visualisation for the arts and culture – interpreted broadly to include its impications, effects, and consequent strategies and policies
  • covers the burgeoning creative uses of digital media for works of art and creative productions
  • is a forum for European projects to disseminate the results of EC investment in technology for culture and the arts, and to publicise and explain funding opportunities
  • is a networking event for other groups and projects
  • includes a free-of-charge Research Workshop for MA, MSc and PhD students, and others, to share their research in a friendly and informal setting
  • Organisation and management: EVA London is a conference of the Computer Arts Society, a specialist group of the Chartered Institute for IT (BCS).
contemporary art Contemporary Chinese Art Lily & Honglei new media art Lily & Honglei video art net-art New Media Art Second Life in China

‘Celebration!’ at JavaMuseum 10th Anniversary

Our Internet project ‘Celebration!’ along with interview by Video Channel are featured by JavaMuseum’s 10th anniversary New Media Art Festival –

netart by Lily & Hong Lei (China)
Fireworks at 'Water Cube' - Beijing Olympic Celebration


Medium: Online 3D virtual world platform, Oil on paper, soundtrack

Video running time: 2 minutes. Size: varied. Completion year: 2009

The work is in memory of the student victims of Sichuan Earthquake in 2008, in context of that Investigation on the death toll of students has become a taboo in Chinese official media. Ironically, this virtual merry-go-around is built inside Water Cube, the swimming pool of Beijng Olympic Game held three months after the historic disaster. In the video document of the virtual environment constructed in online 3D world, the scene of collapsed schools in Sichuan is inundated by grandiose national celebration.

More Information, please go to

Watch Video/Machinima of “Celebration!”: